Dr. Richard Ziernicki, P.E., Ph.D. and Angelos Leiloglou, M.Arch. were retained to provide accident reconstruction and visualization for a case in which a man was left permanently disabled after the truck he was in collided with a 1200 lb. steel mold that fell from a flatbed truck. Our animations were shown at multiple mediations and helped our client resolve the case on the eve of trial for $6.375 million.
Our client had this to say:
“Thank you both very much. I will work with you again in the future and the client truly appreciates it. …. the result ends up being the second largest settlement in that county’s history. A lot of that result was due to your hard work. ” – R.M., attorney, Texas
Improper securement of cargo is a well-known hazard that can result in catastrophic accidents and devastating consequences. Any falling cargo is likely to affect the surrounding vehicles and just as in this case, often there is no escape path to avoid an accident.
As part of the investigation, Knott Lab analyzed surveillance video footage that was recorded from a computer screen with a cell phone camera. The video footage was rectified, stabilized and corrected for lens distortion created by the lens of the surveillance camera and the cell phone camera.
Utilizing High Definition 3D laser scans of the accident site, a scientifically validated process of videogrammetry called camera matching, was performed on the surveillance video footage to determine the dynamics of the vehicles and the steel mold seen in the footage.
Knott Laboratory also used the accident reconstruction software, PC-Crash multibody occupant model, to analyze the occupant kinematics and dynamics during the incident. It was determined that the highest peak accelerations to the occupant was during the impact with the mold and when the Dodge came back to the ground after it impacted the mold.
This fatal racing accident occurred on August 9, 2014 at the Canandaigua…
Richard Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E. and his team at Knott Lab provided compelling…
Richard M. Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E., DFE served as the primary expert witness in…
A King County (WA) Superior Court jury on Thursday, May 18th awarded $9.5…
Dr. Richard Ziernicki was hired to investigate how obstructed views in a…
Knott Laboratory used several technologies including 3D laser scanning,…
Knott Laboratory created an animation illustrating the conditions and reactions…
Knott Laboratory was retained by the District Attorney of Fulton County,…
Knott Laboratory Structural engineers were hired to investigate the sudden…