Knott Laboratory provides forensic engineering and animation, Civil & Structural, and Fire & Explosion Investigation services to reconstruct accidents.
Fox News
November 29, 2023
President John F. Kennedy Assassination: 60 year anniversary
State of the art forensic science refutes “single bullet theory.”
June 14, 2009
Air France Flight 447 – Richard Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E., appeared on “Geraldo At Large”
Dr. Richard Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E., appeared on 'Geraldo At Large' to discuss the mysterious crash of Air France Flight 447.
August 4, 1997
Richard Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E., discusses Princess Diana’s fatal car crash
Fox news interviews Dr. Richard Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E., about the tragic car accident that took Princess Diana's life.
Discovery Channel
August 20, 2003
Unsolved History: Death of Princess Diana
Join the experts at Knott Laboratory as Unsolved History investigates the cause of Princess Diana's death.
9News – Denver
November 10, 2004
Gregg Moss Interviews Knott Laboratory
Gregg Moss visits Knott Lab to discuss a television tower collapse in Nebraska.
November 12, 2003
The Role of Forensic Animations in the Courtroom
Mark Koebrich talks with Knott Laboratory about the role of forensic animations in the courtroom.
April 14, 2014
Famous Deaths Reexamined: Princess Diana
Dr. Oz and medical examiner Dr. Bill Manion reconstruct the circumstances of Princess Diana’s death from autopsy reports,…
CBS Denver
September 13, 2004
Girder Collapse Along I-70
News 4 takes a closer look at the deadly girder collapse along I-70.
May 8, 2003
Criminal Shooting Case Investigation
The forensic team at Knott Lab explain their techniques in investigating a criminal shooting case.
October 26, 2015
Knott Laboratory’s history, capabilities and new technology
Richard M. Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E. was recently interviewed by CNTV Consumer Network Television. The full interview is a half…
Denver Channel
November 29, 2023
President John F. Kennedy Assassination: 60 year anniversary
State of the art forensic science refutes “single bullet theory.”
December 9, 2016
Videogrammetry Shows Unique Perspectives of Boone County Police Involved Shooting
Dr. Ziernicki‘s report was highlighted in an article and story that aired on the NBC affiliate in Cincinnati outlining how…
October 26, 2015
Knott Laboratory’s history, capabilities and new technology
Richard M. Ziernicki, Ph.D., P.E. was recently interviewed by CNTV Consumer Network Television. The full interview is a half…
December 9, 2014
Minimizing Liability Risk in Engineering Product Design
The threat of product liability lawsuits looms large for manufacturers. Every year in the U.S., consumers claiming harm from…
Discover Magazine
August 20, 2003
The Thirteenth Pillar
Discover Magazine talks to the experts at Knott Laboratory to investigate the death of Princess Diana.
Engineering 360
December 9, 2014
Minimizing Liability Risk in Engineering Product Design
The threat of product liability lawsuits looms large for manufacturers. Every year in the U.S., consumers claiming harm from…
Fox31 Denver News
August 4, 2007
Princess Diana’s Death: Unanswered Questions
Accident or conspiracy? Ten years ago, a late night car crash in Paris killed Princess Diana. Now, a decade later, British…
Mitele Spain
December 2, 2013
Knott Laboratory featured on Spanish TV program
Knott Laboratory’s reconstruction of Princess Diana’s Car Crash was featured on the Spanish TV Program “Fourth……
September 10, 2001
Out of Control: Why Cars Crash
MSNBC talks to the forensic specialists at Knott Lab to find out why cars crash.
National Geographic
September 15, 2010
Knott Laboratory Featured on National Geographic Channel
The NatGeo Amazing! TV show examines the tools, techniques and expertise needed to reconstruct car accidents.
WLWT5 News
December 9, 2016
Videogrammetry Shows Unique Perspectives of Boone County Police Involved Shooting
Dr. Ziernicki‘s report was highlighted in an article and story that aired on the NBC affiliate in Cincinnati outlining how…
The Dr. Oz Show
April 14, 2014
Famous Deaths Reexamined: Princess Diana
Dr. Oz and medical examiner Dr. Bill Manion reconstruct the circumstances of Princess Diana’s death from autopsy reports,…