303-925-1900 Download Résumé

Austin Friday, M.S., P.E.
Director of Engineering
Mr. Friday has provided structural expertise for professionals including architects, developers and owners. Mr. Friday has performed construction administration activities for several projects, furnishing Requests for Information (RFI) responses, reviewing submittals, and providing advisory problem solving. Mr. Friday has design and analysis experience utilizing a variety of building code standards including those published by the International Code Council, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Concrete Institute and the American Institute of Steel Construction.
Mr. Friday has designed gravity superstructure and lateral force resisting systems for high-rise mixed-use hotel and office towers, structures for use in hospitality, multi-family residential developments, industrial and municipal structures using steel, mild- and posttensioned reinforced concrete, masonry, wood and cold-formed steel. Examples of designed elements include simple beams, cantilevered beams, columns, pilasters, bearing walls, shear walls, braced frames, moment frames, spread footings, strip footings, drilled piers, micropiles and grade beams. Many of these structures were signed to resist extreme environmental factors, such as heavy snow loads, high seismic activity, high winds, expansive soils and compressed construction schedules.
Austin is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Structural Engineer Association of Colorado.
B.S. Industrial Distribution
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 2013
M.S. in Civil Engineering, Structural Emphasis
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 2019
Media Appearances
Knott Laboratory has been featured on numerous television programs nationally and internationally. Click each title below to learn more about each appearance.