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William “Bill” Seites-Rundlett, Ph.D.
Project Engineer
Mr. Seites-Rundlett has a diverse background in civil engineering including construction management, structural design, and research on water systems, transportation systems, and disaster management. He has experience domestic and abroad, both practicing as a civil engineer and performing research.
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 2012
Ph.D. Civil Systems Engineering
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 2022
Engineering and Design
Mr. Seites-Rundlett has extensive experience with the analysis and design of steel structures in shipbuilding applications. This experience includes the design of hull structures, cofferdams, and miscellaneous foundations. The analysis of steel structures often required the use of finite element methods and supercomputing networks. Analysis covered new design, maintenance of existing structures, development of maintenance plans, and lifting and handling. Mr. Seites-Rundlett also has extensive experience in the analysis of steel connections, including fastener and weld design. This experience also includes concepts of lean manufacturing, design for production, and geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.
Mr. Seites-Rundlett obtained his doctorate in Civil Systems Engineering because of his experience working across multiple disciplines of engineering. Research topics have included the long-term performance of dikes, developing an update to drinking water guidelines for the World Health Organization, risk and uncertainty, statistical methods, and evacuation models. This research culminated in the dissertation, “Incorporating Uncertainty and Social Influences into Transportation System Decision Making.” This research analyzed the uncertainty inherent in social data to better understand evacuation outcomes and develop methods of improving evacuation models.
Additional experiences during graduate school include spending a summer working for the Red Cross in the Philippines. Mr. Seites-Rundlett performed an organizational evaluation of the Philippine Red Cross, working closely with management to improve the performance of the organization. Mr. Seites-Rundlett also performed field investigations of shelters constructed by the Red Cross. This experience also included ATC-20 training on post-disaster building evaluation. During graduate school, Mr. Seites-Rundlett also taught review courses for students preparing for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam, including structural design and analysis. Mr. Seites-Rundlett was also a teaching assistant for senior design, assisting students through the design and development of construction documents for their senior projects.
Media Appearances
Knott Laboratory has been featured on numerous television programs nationally and internationally. Click each title below to learn more about each appearance.