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Brent R. Graham
Director of Accident Reconstruction
Mr. Graham has investigated and reconstructed hundreds of vehicular accidents. After graduating from the Colorado State Patrol Academy, he worked with the Vehicular Crimes Unit investigating fatal, felony, and high-profile cases. During this time, he has testified as an expert witness and sat as an advisory witness. Mr. Graham’s cases included investigations and reconstructions of high and low-speed motor vehicle accidents involving passenger cars, motorcycles, pedestrians, bicycles, and commercial vehicles. Mr. Graham has 10 ½ years of law enforcement experience which included being a Post Certified Driving Instructor and Field Training officer. He has experience with DUI enforcement and impairment identification, use of force and de-escalation, critical incident/emergency management, and community policing.
Mr. Graham is an Accredited Traffic Accident Reconstructionist (ACTAR).
B.B.A. Marketing
Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, CO,
Media Appearances
Knott Laboratory has been featured on numerous television programs nationally and internationally. Click each title below to learn more about each appearance.