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Henry “Hank” V. Mowry, P.E., DFE
Vice President of Engineering
Mr. Mowry graduated from the Colorado School of Mines with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2008. Since graduating, he has worked in the nuclear power industry, chemical production industry in mid-stream oil and gas, and began work as a forensic engineer in 2015. During this time, he has focused on numerous product liability investigations; premise liability investigations including slips-and-falls, trips-and-falls, and workplace safety incidents; mechanical failure analyses; and other personal injury matters.
B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 2008
Registered Professional Engineer in the following states:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.
Certified by National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
Certification 20775-12103
Forensic Engineering Investigations
While at Knott Laboratory and formerly Engineering Design & Testing Corp., Mr. Mowry has conducted numerous forensic engineering investigations including those related to personal injury and property damage. His investigation experience included product liability investigations; premises liability investigations including slips-and-falls, trips-and-falls, and workplace safety investigations’ heavy equipment investigations’ and others. His investigative experience has involved subjects such as snow and ice management and mitigation, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) features, slip-resistance of walkways, boilers, furnaces, bolted connections, pipes, dishwashers, fire suppression systems, heavy machinery, agricultural equipment, cranes, scaffolding, fall protection, and more.
Failure Analysis
Mr. Mowry has conducted multiple failure analyses on various components including plumbing fittings and fixtures, PVC piping, copper and iron water piping, gear teeth, bearings, and other mechanical components. Through Mr. Mowry’s education and experience, he frequently examines mechanical systems and components and determines the cause of failure, including failure to maintain, improper use, long term wear and tear, and design or manufacturing defects.
Expert Testimony
As a result of Mr. Mowry’s investigations and analyses, he has provided expert witness testimony in both state and federal court. Mr. Mowry’s work has been for both plaintiffs and defendants in the areas of mechanical engineering, forensic engineering, workplace safety, and pedestrian/walkway safety.
Engineering and Design
While at Iofina Resources, Inc., Mr. Mowry oversaw the design, installation, and improvement of multiple iodine extraction facilities located on salt water disposal facilities in the mid-stream oil and gas fields in northwestern Oklahoma. He performed equipment sizing and hydraulic analyses for pumps and piping systems, including acidic and caustic fluid handling systems. Mr. Mowry worked closely with project scheduling and budgeting through the design, construction, and commissioning of the facilities. While at Shaw, Stone, & Webster, he also was involved in multiple multimillion-dollar projects including overseeing the design, management, implementation, and start-up of multiple heavy equipment replacement projects at an operational nuclear power generation facility. His work at Shaw, Stone, & Webster included the replacement of the high-pressure turbine, condensate pumps and motors, low and high-pressure feedwater heaters, isolated phase bus duct cooler, main feedwater pumps and motors, and main steam and feedwater pipe support upgrades. In addition, Mr. Mowry oversaw multiple licensing and design basis evaluation projects for nuclear safety related equipment at an operational nuclear power generation facility. He performed federal regulatory evaluation and industry code evaluation for mechanical systems including the auxiliary feedwater systems, containment fan cooling units, and the containment spray system. In addition, Mr. Mowry was the author of a license amendment request submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to revise the licensing basis for the nuclear facility.
Media Appearances
Knott Laboratory has been featured on numerous television programs nationally and internationally. Click each title below to learn more about each appearance.