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Jason P. Evans, M.B.A., B.S.
Project Manager
Jason Evans has performed investigations and reconstructions of high and low-speed motor vehicle accidents involving passenger cars, motorcycles, pedestrians, bicycles, and commercial vehicles. Mr. Evans frequently utilizes the latest technologies available in accident reconstruction throughout all analysis stages, from gathering evidence through accident reconstruction and accident simulation. Mr. Evans has been involved in extensive investigation and analysis of the safety of mechanical products.
Mr. Evans has seven years of law enforcement and experience. Combined with his expertise as an engineer, Jason is a perfect lead for our Digital Media Forensics team. He has been accepted by the courts as an expert in forensic engineering, videogrammetry/photogrammetry, and accident reconstruction.
Mr. Evans has extensive experience from his military service in industrial work environments. He regularly investigates workplace accidents involving valves, electrical components, motors, pumps, high-pressure air systems, and hydraulic systems.
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Media Appearances
Knott Laboratory has been featured on numerous television programs nationally and internationally. Click each title below to learn more about each appearance.