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Zachary Henrichs, M.S., P.E., DFE
Director of Civil Engineering
Mr. Henrichs received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Civil Engineering from University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY. He has investigated civil site cases involving property damage from all manner of issues and failures. Mr. Henrichs also has several years of experience in civil site design for new construction and reconstruction, including: residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal projects. He holds a wide range of construction administration experience.
Mr. Henrichs is an active member of the Wyoming Engineering Society (WES) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
B.S. Civil Engineering
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 2013
M.S. Civil Engineering (Geotechnical)
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 2015
Media Appearances
Knott Laboratory has been featured on numerous television programs nationally and internationally. Click each title below to learn more about each appearance.