Knott Laboratory provides forensic engineering and animation, Civil & Structural, and Fire & Explosion Investigation services to reconstruct accidents.
Publications & Abstracts List
The experts at Knott Laboratory have been published in many engineering journals. While most of these essays are quite detailed, these short abstracts express a summary of the overall papers that were published.
Who Can Be a Forensic Expert?
P.E. Magazine, Published by the National Society of Professional Engineers
October 2014
The Nuts and Bolts of Cargo Loading and Securement Cases
The Lawyer’s LogBook, Vol. 4., No. 1
Apr. - May 2014
Forensic Engineering Investigation of Incidents Involving Corded Window Coverings
Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers
June 2013
Forensic Engineering Analysis of Trucking Accidents and Regulations
Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers
December, 2012
Danger! Falling Cargo, The Importance of Proper and Safe Securement of Your Load
The Lawyer’s LogBook, Vol. 1, No. 1
Apr. - May 2011
Analysis Of The Hazards Of Wood Chipper Accidents
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November, 2011